2020 Yearly Overview
Student of the Month: Katie Knox
Dylan Gibson, Gemma Gibson and Denny Shy were all reselected onto the KUGB England Squads for 2020. Dylan was selected onto the Kata Squad for his ninth year, Gemma onto the Kumite Squad for her seventh year, and Denny onto the Kata Squad for his second year.
Jessica Peel achieved her KUGB Bronze Young Leaders Award.

Student of the Month: Gemma Gibson
Students from the club took part in a demonstration as part of the launch of the book 'Karate Kids' by Holly Sterling.
Our England Squad members represented their country in the first KUGB Grand Slam of the year. Congratulations to Denny who placed 3rd in Kata.
Ehsan received funding from the Ashington Leisure Partnership John Talbot Funding.
We held a mock grading in preparation of our upcoming grading but unfortunately the grading ended up cancelled due to the start of lockdown.
We held our first online class on Zoom at the end of the month. All proceeds from the class were donated to CRY in memory of Sensei Bob Poynton.

We continued to train online on Zoom throughout the month.
We continued to train online on Zoom throughout the month.

We continued to train online on Zoom and added outdoor training for groups of one instructor and five students under the Rule of Six.
We continued to train both online and outdoors throughout this month.

We returned to indoor training on both Thursdays and Saturdays in the temporary location of North Seaton Colliery Community Centre.
We held a grading at the club with Sensei Frank Brennan, 8th Dan. Congratulations to everyone who graded to their next belt.
Sensei Frank Brennan judged our Summer Holiday Photograph Competition and chose Charlotte Reason as the winner and Vinnie Henderson as the runner up.
We continued to train in person while Covid restrictions allowed it but had to move to a new temporary location of North Seaton Community Centre.

We returned to Zoom training as we entered another lockdown.
Our under 18s returned to the dojo while our seniors continued to train on Zoom.